Over 70% of people perform at least one Online financial transaction every month. The convenience of having all your finances available at your fingertips from anywhere an internet connection is available is a necessity to millions of people all over the world. Most services are self served and can be accomplished with proper credentials and a few simple clicks; however, the simplicity often seen by some is not always seen by another. Having customer support available for your guests is essential for guidance, account updates, transactions and so on. The leading financial firms around the globe often employ a dedicated team of agents set to assist their customers, with a myriad of services. This is expected by most consumers who are members of a bank, credit union or financial institution, however depending on the size of the organization employing your own Call Center agents is not always a financially viable option.
One of the most economical and fast deploying methods in providing this level of service is to employ a certified PCI compliant 3rd party Contact Center to ensure the privacy of your customers is always secure.
The Contact Center you choose should offer flexible hours of operation to meet the Financial Institutions needs, which may present an opportunity of provide better service than your competition. Not all customer service is created equal, and not all customer service, especially In the Financial sector offers live customer support 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Employing the right 3rd party Contact Center should be able to provide this service at a cost less than what it would cost to have an inhouse Contact Center providing only regular business hour support.
More choices are being offered to the general public and businesses alike on how and where they can perform their banking needs, the stakes are high to capture, retain and grow your customer base. For example, one self-employed client can generate on average over $10,000 of annual revenue, providing more services with available 24-hour live support can determine whether you capture new business and grow, while retaining your current customer base.
The number of individuals that engage in online banking has doubled from 2010 (40%) to 2022 (84%) and shows no sign of slowing, this coupled with more financial institutions operating entirely virtually the need for enhanced customer service is amplified.